If you do it, do it right, or it may not work!
You must understand and follow some essential points to benefit from using the files on this web site.
For the process to work, you must have speakers that will create enough magnetic energy to stimulate your body’s energy system. All desktop computers have adequate speakers if you stay within 5′ of them while playing our files.
Speakers use magnets to make the sound that you hear. The speaker magnets in most laptop speakers only generate a magnetic field that extends about 1-2 feet from the laptop – even though you can hear the sound across the room. If you want to use a laptop computer, it is best to use Bluetooth speakers or speakers that plug into the headphone jack or your laptop’s USB port.
Apple Mac laptops create an energy field that extends about 3′ from the computer. If you use an Apple Mac Pro, put it on your lap while playing the AFT files. If using another laptop, you can pretend that you are taking a nap on the computer while the file plays. It will probably work, but we not guarantee that it will work. Air books and tablet computers will only work with external speakers plugged into them.

If you do not own a computer, you can use Bluetooth speakers with your mobile telephone, just like you are playing music. If you use a mobile phone, make sure you can play online music files without them starting and stopping in the middle of songs. Some mobile phone connections are too weak to play music without interruption and are not adequate to play the AFT treatments that take 30-45 minutes. If your mobile telephone is not acceptable, borrow a friend’s laptop.
If you listen to the tones using the plug-in speakers that came with your desktop, you must stay within 5′ of the speakers. Even though you will be able to hear the sounds across the room, the magnetic coil in these plug-in speakers will only generate a magnetic field that extends five feet.
If you do not have a plug-in or Bluetooth speakers and are using a laptop, we recommend that you try “napping” on it while the file plays. Most of the time, that will work, but we cannot guarantee it. It is best to have the correct speakers.
One of the Depression videos (Joshi Pankji, from India) tells the story. Joshi initially did not follow instructions and thought he could use high fidelity headphones to listen to the audio file. Nothing happened. He then used his external speakers, and his depression lifted in less than an hour.
You can purchase the correct plug-in speakers on Amazon for under $20, or Bluetooth speakers for your mobile phone or laptop for under $25.00. We recommend the Anker Sound Core Bluetooth speakers.
If you want to treat a group of individuals at once, we recommend using ECOGEAR “Ecoedge” speakers (which will create an effective energy field 10′ in diameter) for about $50.00. Place this more powerful speaker in the middle of the room and have the participants sit around it.